воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

фильтр на nikkor 14-24

We walked outside to the parking lot and he began to set the tripod.ВP From out of the box came a view-camera and lens, then a back-plate for it, then a Canon lens adapter, then a Sony NEX to Canon adapter.ВP вІ

wait hereвІ and disappeared down an aisle.ВP He came back moments later with a large wooden tripod under one arm and a selection of bits and pieces in a box under the other.ВP He motioned, вІ

how crazyвІ we could get with some combinations.ВP He looked at me and said, вІ

Walking through the warehouse, I was struck by all of the possibilities one could put together with all of the products at our fingertips.ВP Turning to Jeff, I asked him to see вІ

as you see itвІ approach to lighting.ВP One of the benefits of working with Fotodiox is that they are extremely knowledgeable in all of the products they sell.ВP If you have a question about exactly which product would be right for you and/or your situation, call them вІ they are there to help.

LEDs are the next wave in lighting for both the photographer and the videographer.ВP They use little power, offer amazing control, and unlike strobes, provide an вІ

LED Lighting Kit (Multi-Temp)ВP

dial-inвІ your desired color-temp on the light itself (which uses an array of varied LEDs) and set your camera, and go.

coolвІ ) lights.ВP You can buy LEDs in every size imaginable; from small, rechargeable battery-powered units to fit into the hot-shoe of your DSLR to large, floor-standing units to light up your set.ВP These are proving to be extremely popular in that you can вІ

Fotodiox has also been at the forefront of the DSLR video revolution as well.ВP In addition to all of the standard tools a videographer would be look for in terms of mounts, reflectors, etc., Fotodiox stocks a large selection of LED based вІ

One of NikonвІ s most highly regarded lenses, the 14-24mm, has a built-in hood and design which has precluded the use of filters.ВP While an amazing lens, this design limits the options open to the serious photographer.ВP Thus Fotodiox steps in.ВP They have designed an add-on collar for the lens which is quite ingenious, providing a 145mm filter base for the lens (they also manufacture a wide range of filter options in this size as well).ВP This not only provides additional protection for a very expensive lens, but offers many creative options as well.

Nikon 14-24mmВPFilter AdapterВP

hot-sellerвІ was designed and developed in house.

specialtyвІ products from Fotodiox.ВP They are hard at work researching and designing new, exciting, unique products for the market.

Today, Fotodiox carries a dizzying array of tools, accessories, bits and pieces.ВP In fact, I would say that if there is some item that you feel you need, either for digital or film, you are best checking them out before trolling all over the internet.ВP I bet they have it.ВP However, in the future, expect to see more and more вІ

Walking through the aisles of the Fotodiox warehouse reminds one of wandering through your neighborhood Costco, but for photographerвІ s only.ВP There is everything here, arranged neatly into racks, bins, boxes, etc., all ready to be shipped out to photographers world-wide.ВP This is an extremely professional organization, and one which is expanding rapidly as the market for photo accessories grows.

Today we continue our trip report to Fotodiox, the photographerвІ s ultimate candy store.

Fotodiox вІ A Trip to the Candy Store (part 2)

Musings & Images from the world of Photography

Fotodiox вІ A Trip to the Candy Store (part 2) | Peter Sills Photography

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